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The smartest
way to manage your data
Solution: Delphi® DEX
Our patent-pending solution, Delphi®DEX, puts the 'personal' back in data ownership. Where you live, your birthday, and the digital dust that reflects your thoughts and interests are the unique combination of attributes that comprise your digital identity.
Don't let your digital twin be neglected. It's time for you to take control.
Delphi®DEX, because you are valuable.
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Intelligent, Offensive Digital Exhaust Protection
Identify and Remediate Data Leakage

Total control of your digital presence
How it works
The Risk
Whenever we interact with a connected device, we add to the growing trail of information used to identify, profile, and predict us as individuals or groups – often without our awareness.
Paul Ohm warned, “these databases will grow to connect every individual to at least one closely guarded secret. It is a secret that, if revealed, would cause more than embarrassment or shame; it would lead to serious, concrete, devastating harm.”
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